About LNOC

The National Olympic Committee of Lithuania (LNOC) is an autonomous non-profit public organization that belongs to the global Olympic Movement.
The LNOC conducts its activities in accordance to the Constitution and legislation of the Republic of Lithuania, the Olympic Charter, the World Anti-Doping Code, the decisions of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), and the LNOC regulations.
The LNOC must preserve its autonomy and resist any pressure, including political, religious, and economic, which could prevent it from adhering to the principles of the Olympic Charter.
The LNOC delegates athletes for representing Lithuania at the Olympic Games and other Olympic events – the European Games, the Youth Olympic Games and Olympic Festivals. It also conducts programmes for raising the qualifications of sports and sports medicine specialists, and encourages the development of sports science and medicine.
The LNOC actively implements IOC’s programmes and agenda – supports and conducts Olympic education projects, promotes gender equality and fair play in sport, develops sports for everyone, promotes the Olympic Movement and records its history, takes care of prominent people who have contributed a lot to the Olympic Movement.
In accordance to the Olympic Charter, the LNOC membership includes all the national federations who have become members of international federations and whose sports or disciplines disciplines are included in the Olympic Games programme, persons contributing to the development of sport and Olympism and other entities defined in the LNOC’s regulations.

The main governing bodies of the LNOC are the General Assembly, the Executive Committee, the President, and the Revision Commission.
The LNOC General Assembly is the supreme body of the LNOC. It consists of and its decisions are made by the LNOC members only. Regular sessions of the General Assembly are held at least once a year upon the decision of the LNOC Executive Committee. During this session the General Assembly hears out and approves the reports on the LNOC Executive Committee’s activities, the LNOC Revision Committee’s and the Treasurer’s reports, annual financial statements and budget execution reports, the LNOC’s activity programs, yearly activity plan, and budget and addresses other important questions. The General Assembly is also responsible for defining the LNOC’s goals and main objectives, as well as for adopting, supplementing, and amending the LNOC’s regulations.
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LNOC structure

During the election session of the General Assembly, the LNOC President and members of the Executive Committee and the Revision Committee are elected. Election sessions are held every four years.

Extraordinary General Assembly sessions may be held if demanded by no less then a third of the LNOC’s members, the Executive Committee or the Revision Committee.

The LNOC’s Executive Committee manages the organization’s activities between the General Assembly sessions. The Executive Committee consists of 13 members: the President, 3 vice presidents, the General Secretary, the Treasurer, and 7 other members.

The Executive Committee’s meetings are held no less than once a month upon the invitation of the LNOC’s President. The meetings can also be called by the majority of the members of the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee manages the routine matters of the LNOC activities, is responsible for the activities of the LNOC’s directorate and fund management, upon suggestion of the President appoints and dismisses the LNOC directorate’s Director General, approves the LNOC directorate’s internal structure and all activity-related internal rules of procedure, establishes commissions, funds, companies, branches, and agencies, supervises the adherence to the requirements set out in the Olympic Charter, and carries out other functions entrusted to it by assemblies and according to regulations.

All the members of the LNOC Executive Committee are elected by the General Assembly.

The LNOC President manages the LNOC’s activities and chairs the General Assembly sessions and the Executive Committee’s meetings. The President represents the LNOC in organizations of the Republic of Lithuania, as well as foreign and international organizations, and carries out the functions entrusted to him or her in accordance to the LNOC’s regulations and the decisions of the General Assembly and the Executive Committee. The President is accountable to the Executive Committee for his or her activities and to the General Assembly for the activities of the Executive Committee.

The LNOC Revision Commission is a supervising body which is formed from the LNOC members after the General Assembly elections and which acts in accordance to the Revision Commission regulations that are approved by the Assembly. The Revision Commission presents annual reports to the General Assembly.

Olympic champion and member of the International Olympic Committee Daina Gudzinevičiūtė has been the LNOC President since 2012.  The LNOC General Secretary – Valentinas Paketūras. The LNOC administration consists of Olympic sports department, Olympic education department, Foreign relations department, and Economic department with a total of 16 employees.


The LNOC’s activities are funded by UAB Olifėja (the LNOC owns 51% of Olifėja’s shares), the International Olympic Committee, sponsors and partners, and the LNOC’s subsidiary organization the Lithuanian Olympic Fund.

At least once a year the use of funds and income is audited by the LNOC Revision Commission and an independent audit company.

LNOC goals, objectives, and activities

* To act in the name of peace, to promote and develop sports ethics, to fight against doping and to responsibly address environmental problems.

* To promote the main principles of Olympism country-wide, to strive for including these principles in physical education and sports programmes of schools and universities, and to take part in establishing Olympic education institutions.

* To supervise the activities of the Olympic Academy and Olympic museums, as well as cultural and other programmes of the Olympic Movement.

* To ensure the adherence to the Olympic Charter in the Republic of Lithuania.

* To encourage the development of sport.

* To help prepare sports specialists by organizing training courses which would promote the main principles of Olympism.

* To fight against any form of discrimination and violence in sport, as well as the use of any substances and methods prohibited by the IOC and International Federations (IF).

* To harmoniously cooperate and maintain relationships with relevant governmental and non-governmental institutions, to actively participate in preparing all programs of development of sport.

* Together with Lithuanian sports federations, unions, associations, and other institutions, to take care of processes of athletes’ selection and preparation for the Olympic Games and other competitions supervised by the IOC.

* To publish and distribute sports-related and informational literature and periodicals.

* To protect the interests of athletes, coaches, and other persons contributing to the Olympic Movement.

* To participate in the IOC’s Olympic Solidarity programs and to further economic activities for funding LNOC programs and Olympic teams.


* To participate in and to delegate athletes to the Olympic Games, the European Games, the Youth Olympic Games, and the Olympic Festivals.

* To form and prepare delegations for the Olympic Games and regional, continental, or global multi-sport competitions that are supervised by the International Olympic Committee, and to lead these delegations.

* To take care of the delegation members’ equipment, travel, and accommodation matters.


Lithuanian Sports Awards ceremony

Philippa Youlden "Making every movement count in the early years"

Irma Liubertiene "Emotional consciousness while developing Physical Literacy"

Rose-Marie Repond "Perspective on Physical Literacy"

Kevin Barton "Building a Physically Literate Nation"

Dr. Kremlin Wickramasinghe "Promoting Heath Enhancing Physical Activity in the WHO European Region"

Panel discussion: How can we create an environment for Physical Literacy development?