Olympic education

Olympic education is one of the strategic areas of activity of the Lithuanian National Olympic Committee (LNOC). Throughout the world, the Olympic Movement places great emphasis on encouraging physical activity, on youth engagement, on promoting sport as an educational tool, and on developing universal Olympic values to help create a peaceful and harmonious society.

Due to the deteriorating health of children and youth, the challenges they face at school, and the decrease in the importance of physical education a lot of attention should be paid to children’s and youth’s physical education and other activities in preschools and general education schools.

The Lithuanian National Olympic Committee’s Olympic Education Directorate collaborates with ministries, public bodies and non-governmental institutions, schools, kindergartens, educators, children, and youth to achieve their goals, implement the IOC’s programs, and ensure continuous and systematic work.

Goals of the LNOC Olympic education:

  • To spread the Olympic ideals
  • To encourage children and youth to engage in sports activities and to learn through sports
  • To shape harmonious, creative, and responsible individuals
  • To improve the health of Lithuanian children
  • To increase the importance of sport in the education system and the society
  • To develop the physical literacy of Lithuanian children

To achieve these goals, the LNOC defined three main directions of Olympic education-related activities:

The first one is a sustainable partnership. Olympic education activities are implemented by closely collaborating with schools and preschools and by involving suitable partners to achieve the maximum result. The LNOC collaborates with the Ministry of Education, Science, and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania, the National Association of Preschool Physical Education Teachers (RIUKKPA), the British Council in Lithuania, and others.

The second direction is the longevity and continuity of projects. The LNOC together with its partners implement three long-term programs and projects for preschools and schools: Lithuanian Schools Games, Olympic Generation, and Lithuanian Children Games.

The third direction is the involvement of the society. The LNOC organizes events, activities, and projects not only for children and educators, but also for the wider society, such as the Olympic Education forum, international training course, and “Dreams & Teams”.

All the projects and activities of the LNOC are free of charge for the participants.

Projects and programs of the LNOC Olympic Education Directorate:

  • Lithuanian Schools Games
  • Lithuanian Children Games
  • Olympic Generation
  • Olympic Values Education Programme
  • Olympic Education Forum
  • Olympic Month
  • Dreams and Teams
  • Lithuanian Fair Play Awards
  • Lithuanian Physical Education Teachers Awards