When? July 21-28, 2007
Medals won? 3
Belgrade 2007 European Youth Summer Olympic Festival

Facts and figures

11 sports, 100 events, and 3000 athletes from 49 nations.

Most medals won (from a total of 37 teams) by 1. Russia – 32 (18, 6, 8), 2. Great Britain – 24 (9, 7, 8), 3. Italy – 22 (9, 7, 6), … 25. Lithuania – 3 (1, 0, 2).

Lithuania in the Olympic Festival

In Serbia, Lithuania was represented by 64 athletes. They won 3 medals.

In the finals, the Lithuanian basketball team defeated Spain with a score of 74:72 and became champions. The team coached by Kazys Maksvytis consisted of Vytenis Čižauskas, Dovydas Redikas, Edgaras Ulanovas, Renaldas Simanavičius, Mantas Petrikas, Deividas Anužis, Rimvydas Brencius, Edvinas Grikštas, Adomas Stakvilevičius, Žygimantas Krupskis, Taurantas Tamošiūnas, and Edgaras Bučinskas. It was the first victory of the so-called “golden” generation of young basketball players. V. Čižauskas was voted the most valuable player of the tournament.

In Belgrade Lithuanian discus thrower Andrius Gudžius who would later become the World and Europe champion and runner Mindaugas Baliukonis won bronze.

Natalija Piliušina was 4th in the 400 hurdles event, while Silvestras Guogis placed 5th. Swimmer Rokas Čepulis was 4th in the 200 m breaststroke event. Judoka Sandra Jablonskytė was 5th.