Leadership Project NEW MIRACLE

The project New Miracle is a unique initiative of the National Olympic Committee of Lithuania (LNOC), with three other European national Olympic committees in Italy, Latvia, and Slovakia joining it.

During the initiative, a free training program and an exclusive mentoring platform for young or novice sports managers will be created where project participants will have the opportunity to get advice from experienced colleagues and improve their collaboration skills.

One of the main objectives of the project is to promote gender equality, leadership, and participation in decision–making, and to develop self-confidence. Hopefully, good examples shown in the course of the project will lead to changes in society. There are plans to invite young sports volunteers and decision-makers working in sports federations, clubs, and other sports organizations to participate in the project.

The LNOC application was among 315 other applications that won European Union (EU) funding for its implementation. A total of 1107 bids were submitted in the tender. The maximum funding allocated to the initiative was EUR 355,000.

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